Case Study: Transformational Fibre Glass RF Drying Solution for Valmieras Stikla Skiedra

Client NameValmieras Stikla Skiedra,
Product: Strayfield’s Radio Frequency Dryers,
Application: Glass Fibre Roving Drying,
Implementation Year: 2017


VALMIERAS STIKLA SKIEDRA or Valmiera Glass, a renowned name in the glass fibre industry, faced a significant challenge in their production process. The conventional drying method for Thermoplastic & Thermosetting sizing Fibre Glass Roving was not only time-consuming, taking 18 to 21 hours, but also raised concerns about product quality, especially regarding discoloration and moisture content.


In 2017, VALMIERAS STIKLA SKIEDRA turned to Strayfield, a leader in RF drying technology, and implemented their Radio Frequency Dryers for their Glass Fibre Roving drying application. Despite utilizing equipment manufactured in the year 2000, the company sought a robust solution to enhance efficiency and maintain product quality.


Dramatic Reduction in Drying Time

The implementation of Strayfield’s Radio Frequency Dryer slashed the drying time from 18-21 hours to an impressive 2-3 hours, significantly boosting production efficiency.

Preserved Product Quality

The dryer ensured that there was no discolouration in the Fibre Glass Roving, maintaining their pristine condition. Additionally, the roving was dried to below 0.15% moisture content, preserving its physical properties.

Remarkable Durability and Low Maintenance

Despite the advanced age of the dryers, they demonstrated exceptional durability with minimal need for spare parts, underlining the product’s reliability and longevity.

Client Testimonial:

“We are delighted to express our satisfaction with Strayfield’s Radio Frequency Dryer’s performance. It has not only enhanced our production efficiency but also ensured the high quality of our products. The exceptional service and limited need for replacement parts have contributed significantly to our overall satisfaction. Based on our experience, we highly recommend Strayfield’s Radio Frequency Dryers to those with critical drying requirements. The initial investment is far outweighed by the long-term benefits.” – VALMIERAS STIKLA SKIEDRA

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Strayfield’s Radio Frequency Dryers have proven to be a game-changing solution for VALMIERAS STIKLA SKIEDRA, exemplifying innovation in drying technology. The case of VALMIERAS STIKLA SKIEDRA demonstrates how Strayfield’s cutting-edge solutions can transform operational efficiency while maintaining the highest standards of product quality.

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