Explore Strayfield's technology for quality drying and heating applications

Radio Frequency (RF) drying is a modern and efficient method of heating and removing moisture from a variety of materials. Its unique heating mechanism allows for rapid and uniform drying, making it a valuable technique in various industries. Following are some additional applications of RF heating and drying


RF drying has found significant applications in the leather industry. The process involves subjecting leather to high-frequency electromagnetic energy, which generates heat within the material. This heat helps to remove moisture from the leather without damaging its structure or properties. RF drying offers several advantages over conventional drying methods, such as reduced drying time, improved product quality, and energy efficiency. It enables better control over the drying process, resulting in uniform and consistent drying of leather.


Cellulose, a common material found in paper, cardboard, and textiles, can benefit from RF drying as well. By exposing cellulose-based materials to RF energy, the water molecules within them are rapidly heated, leading to efficient moisture removal. RF drying is particularly useful in the paper industry, where it helps reduce drying time and energy consumption. Additionally, RF drying can prevent the occurrence of defects, such as curling or warping, that may arise from traditional drying methods.

RF drying also finds applications in drying cellulose for household insulation. Cellulose insulation, known for its eco-friendly nature and thermal properties, requires moisture removal before installation. RF drying offers an efficient method for drying wet cellulose by rapidly heating and evaporating the moisture using high-frequency electromagnetic energy. This process reduces drying time, ensures consistent quality, prevents mold growth, and provides energy efficiency by targeted heating. RF drying plays a crucial role in producing high-quality cellulose insulation for improved energy efficiency in homes.

Pasteurization of Solid Packages and Liquids

RF heating and drying have been employed in the pasteurization process for solid packages and liquids. The application of RF energy can quickly raise the temperature of packaged food or beverages to the desired level, eliminating harmful microorganisms and extending the product’s shelf life. RF pasteurization offers advantages like reduced processing time, improved product quality, and enhanced food safety. It is widely used in the food and beverage industry for pasteurizing packaged goods efficiently and effectively.



In woodworking, curing refers to the process of accelerating the drying and hardening of wood coatings, such as paints, varnishes, or sealants. RF heating is commonly used in curing applications because it can rapidly heat the wood coating, leading to quick evaporation of solvents and faster curing times. The high-frequency electromagnetic waves of RF energy penetrate the coating layers, generating heat directly within the material. This localized heating allows for precise control and uniform curing, resulting in improved coating quality and reduced production time.


RF heating is also employed for setting or bonding adhesives in wood products. When wood components are assembled using adhesives, RF energy can be used to quickly heat and activate the adhesive, promoting rapid curing and setting of the bond. The electromagnetic RF energy penetrates the wood and activates the adhesive layer, causing it to cure and harden rapidly. This ensures strong and durable bonds between wood components, enhancing the overall structural integrity of the final product.


Wood drying is a critical process in the timber industry to reduce moisture content and enhance the stability and usability of wood products. RF drying offers several advantages over conventional drying methods. By applying RF energy, the moisture within the wood is heated, leading to its evaporation and subsequent drying. The high-frequency electromagnetic energy penetrates the wood, providing uniform and controlled heating throughout the material. RF drying enables faster drying times compared to traditional methods, reducing the risk of defects like cracking or warping. It also helps to preserve the natural characteristics of the wood, resulting in high-quality finished products.

Pulp based packaging

RF drying has proven to be a valuable technology for the drying of pulp-based packaging materials. Pulp packaging, such as molded fiber trays or containers, is widely used in various industries due to its sustainability and biodegradability. However, the manufacturing process involves wetting the pulp fibers, necessitating efficient moisture removal before packaging can take place. RF drying offers a rapid and controlled method for drying pulp-based packaging materials. By applying high-frequency electromagnetic energy, the moisture within the pulp fibers is heated and evaporated, resulting in faster drying times and improved product quality. RF drying ensures uniform moisture removal throughout the packaging material, reducing the risk of deformation or structural weakness. Moreover, this technology enables energy-efficient drying, contributing to overall sustainability in the packaging industry. RF drying plays a vital role in optimizing the production of high-quality, moisture-free pulp-based packaging materials.

For more information on the application of RF(Radio Frequency) systems for heating and drying,

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